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Fall 2024
Honorable Mention


(in Alphabetical order)


"7th House" Feature by Vibha Kulkarni

"A Good Knight" by Michael Mayhall

"A Question of Choice" by Cody McDevitt

"Abby Needs a Friend" by Jennifer McMurtry

"Adventure Night" by Katie Goodman, Soren Kisiel and Sylvia Sichel

"Allatoona" by Julian Johnson

"Americana" by Dale Wolf

"An Evening at Hobby Town" by Rebecca Mendoza Mejia

"An Intuitive Touch" by Geoffrey McCue, Allison Chaney

"Andy & Me" by Julia Pearlstein

"Anomaly" by Siobhan Donnellan

"Antiques Shitshow" by John Boal

"ASTEROID"  by Alec Whittle

"Athazagoraphobia: the Fear of Being Forgotten" by Nevada Grey

"B.B. y Gordo" by Janelle Lee Austin

"B*tchcraft" by Taylor Dupuis

"B4B" by J. Anthony Roman

"Becca" by Neil Wishman

"Belly Hot" by Natalia Delgado Avila

"Birthright" by Michael Hutchinson

"Bitter" by Jesse Speer

"BLEEDTHROUGH" by Tammy Klembith

"Bloodhound" by Dan Jolley

"Brave John Burns" by John Biolsi

"Broken Worlds" by TERRY PODNAR

"Buddy Parts" by Shay Thurmon

"BUMPIN' INTO STARDOM" by Miranda Bailey and Naomi Aytur Odes

"Camellia Girl" by Josh Kim 

"Cannibal Babes / A Taste for Blood" by Michael Maloley

"CASTLE IN THE AIR" by Kate Kelsen

"CHARLIE X" Pilot by Laura Barbato

"CHESTER" by Albert Stroth

"Child of Chaos" by BJ Cyprian

"Choked Out" by Jeff Barker

"City on Fire" by Russell Luke Taormina

"Cleaver (CLVR)" by Frederick Moore

"Closer to The Sun" by Sara Althani

"Clown Show" by Molly Muse, Emily Maya Mills, Kurt Conroyd and Britt Harris

"Co-Parent" by Jonathan Clark

"Conversion Camp Rescue" by Mark Goshorn Jones

"Conor Pass" by Meg Halski

"Contrast" by Alexandra Almeida 

"Crescent City" by Michael Brandt

"CRIME WAVE" by Tammy Klembith

"Cult of Personalities" by Rob Nightingale


"Dapple of a Maple/ Kaede's Dapple" by Doug Mattis

"Dark Veil" by Criss Gidas

"Day Job" by Denny Glasser

"DEATH BENEFITS" by Nathaniel Nauert

"Demons" by Shiva Ramanathan

"Dialing the Dead" by Valerie Hockert

"Drazer University is Slorbage" by Brett Martin

"El Jardín" by Ben Labadia and Olivia Wezdenko

"Everything Falling Away" by Julian Muller

"Family Matters" by Roberta M Roy

"Faith" by Michael Aparicio

"Fiancé" by Aaliyah Lynch

"Finding Santa" by Matthew Giacheri

"Flaming Chariots" by Brian Carufe

"FLOATING LESSONS" by Alexis Krasilovsky


"Front" by Miriam Tenner

"Full Out" by Elysha Gabrielle

"Ghosting" by Nathaniel Anglin

       "Goodbye" by Sara Mozersky

"Gorgeous As You Are" by Keaton A Morris-Stan

"Happy Hollow" by Theodore Lowe

"Happy Hours" by Gengxin Li

"HAPPY LANDING" by Dianne Lee Blomberg, PhD and Joseph Alexander Carabello

"Hayward" by Netta Walker

"Hear My Song" by Rachel Walsh-Williams

"Heartbreaker" by Andrew Stein

"Hick Darling" by LeeAnne Lowry

"Honey Hill" by Genevieve McDevitt

"Hooligans Ep1: Started From The Bottom" by Brandon Shaw

"Hot Honey" by Sophia Czertak

"HOT POTA" by  Lauren Lee

"How I Lost My Kidneys in China" by Randall Flores

"How to Kill a Black Dragon" by FLORIN DELEANU

"Hunting Monsters" by Alexandra Addams

"I AM THE STORM" by Sara Hallowell and Arabella Field

"I'll Leave You With This" by Benjamin Dietels and Blake O'Donnell

"Indulgence" by Kenneth Fu

"In His Image" by Megan Selden

"Intuitive AI" by Sarolta Mohaine-Palfi

"It Takes a Village" by Roberta M Roy

"Its MICE" by Cheryl Lynn Sibany

"Jeez" by Alex Lesnevski

"Jessie of Mine" by Stacey Messina

"Kakadu" by Dawson John Howard

"Kirby in Limbo" by Jamie Campbell

"L'Inconnue" by Rebecca Hu

"Last Call" by Steven Franco

"LAWYERED UP" by Tatiana Blackington James

"Lee Harvey Oswald : Dead Man Walking" (a docudrama) by John Bolbot

"Let it Bleed" by Marshall Moore

"LIBERTAIRE 2023" by Elizabeth Indianos

"Light Keepers" by Duncan B Putney

"Little Tokyo Story" by KYUNG-JA LEE

"LIVING" by Anika Meeusen

"Love and Other Bloody Messes" by Brian McGrath

"Love Sucks" by Rita Betti

"Lulu & Frank" by Zachariah Axel

"Miss Demeanor" by Ruby Mainieri

"My Fair Drag Queen" by Devin Toohey

"Mystic Maya" by Hayley Shucker

"Necklace" by Shuli Tan

"Night with a Glorious Sun" by Virginia Austin

"Of Prophets and Fools" by Josh Williams

"Offbeats" by Jordan Utterback

"Operator" by Nik Perring


"P-town" by Eric Faulkner

"Panties" by Tess Lafia and Noah Deats

"Party Hearse" by Neil Wishman

"Paper Monsters" by Michael Clifton

"Please Remain Calm" by CR Sherman

"Postman" by Case de Koning

"Precursor" by Steve Brown

"RAY THOMAS" by Eric Dean

"Red Flag Fleet" by Kathryn Orwig

"Red Foxes" by Gena Pruitt

"Red Sister" by Shelby Phoenix

"Return to Mecca" by Saj Pothiawala

"Reverberate" by Travis Meguire

"Richard Spong" by TERRY PODNAR

"Roads Taken" by C.J. Palmisano

"RUBICON" by Matthew Casado

"SACH IS LIFE" by Harsh Mahadeshwar

"Scars That Define Us" by Edward Worthy

"Scraps" by Carrie Jean Henley

"SCRUBK" by Stuart Valdes

"SHOW THEM ALL" by Amanda Cole

"SIDEKICK" by Michael Lee Barlin 

"Silent Screams - A Girls Journey To Reclaim Her Voice" by Anu Verma

"Slugs" by Alexandra Rose Bianco

"Sluts" by Mary Cross

"Starfield" by Chris Jones

"Stooping" by Claire Guinan

"Stranded" by Kevin Machate

"Stream of Terror" by Scott Tomorelli


"Supernova" by Jack Martino

"SWIPED" by James Berg

"SWISS CLEAN" Pilot  by Jim Wurst

"Taxidermied Youth" by Brenna Kwon

"TEACHER OF THE YEAR" by Ray Gettman Bush 

"That Summer We Stole Our Permanent Records" by Kersti Niebruegge

"THAW" by Aurelia Gold

"The Age of the Empath" by Steve Brown

"The Assassin's Shadow" by Bert Pigg

"The Balcony Boys" by Jonathan Dula

"The Bickersons" by JJ Smith and Stacey Summers

"The Blue Ridge" by Anne Kennedy

"The Cage" by Dan Jolley

"The Country They Call Life" by Grace Sims

"The Cossack’s Falcon" by Michael Zanowiak

"The Crude" by Zach Green

"The Dogs and the Wolves" by Louis Macovsky

"The Ex-Men" by Don Willis and Greg Mitchell

"The Four of Us" by Michael Jay Stern

"The Hot Mess" by Bruce Hickey

"The Halfling Princess and The Fool" by Helen Williams

"The House of Tang" by Lisa Iannini

"The Land of a Thousand Losers" by Jordan Galland

"The Liquidators" by Jim Amatulli

"The Morrisfield Misfits and The Sword of Fate" by Jack Warner

"The Mother Doctor" by Legs Horrox

"The Mystical Ones" by Bandiougou Dione

"The Painted Key" by James Barrett

"The Pebble Champion" Screenplay by Alan David Pritchard

"The Scallywags by Kamdyn Atkinson"

"The Silver Wings" by Jason Whiton

"THE SPEECH" by Josh Miller

"The Stationary Department" by Colin Mummery

"The Thomas House" by Giovanni Formato

"The Tin Soldier" by Austin Hughes

"The WI-FI Conspiracy" by Andreas Grieshaber

"This Is Gonna Be Great" by Rutger Lemm

"Too Old To Rollerskate" by Georja Umano

"Tresses" by Saeid Ghasemi

"Try a Waffle Cone" Screenplay by Miachel Pruett

"Trust Me" by Susan Crawford

"TWO BASTARDS AND A BOY" by Roger Elliott

"Unstrung" by Sophie Wang

"Urban Fairy" by El Lynn Wilson

"Warrior In A Garden" by Mark N. Clemente

"Welcome to America" by Weiyang Liu

"WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS" by Chris Phillips, Billy Walker

"Who Paints the Cats?" by Stephanie Hoernes

"Who We Aren't" by Niels Thomas Hanrath

"WINDGATE" by Ray Gettman Bush

"Woman's Work" by Erin Beute

"You Can Take It With You" by Jeanine Barone

"Young Bucks" by Gianna Barberia

"Zogar" by Ean Smith

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